installing new doors and hardware

4 Reasons You Should Upgrade To Impact Windows

Truth be told, it's impossible to stop natural calamities such as hurricanes and storms. The good news is that there's something you can do to mitigate the potential damage they can cause, including installing impact windows. These windows are made of laminated glass and sturdy frames that make them impact-resistant. They also have silicone glazing that keeps the window securely attached to the frame.

Note that impact window installation is not a DIY task, and it's always prudent to work with an expert. In fact, poor installation can compromise the functionality of these windows. With that said, here are reasons you should invest in impact windows.

1. Keep Your Dear Ones Safe    

The fact that these windows are impact-resistant explains why they can withstand calamities like storms. As a result, they can protect your family no matter how harsh the weather gets.

Before impact windows are delivered to the market for sale, the manufacturers ensure they meet the desired safety standards. Therefore, as long as you purchase from a reliable impact windows dealer, you can rest assured that this is an investment that will protect your loved ones from the harsh weather elements.

Furthermore, impact windows can deter burglars since they are unlikely to break the glass. The fact that intruders can't break in will help you enjoy peace of mind.

2. Reduced Noise Levels

Noise can affect the quality of sleep, something that can impact your work productivity. If this is a problem you are experiencing, impact windows can help you enjoy a goodnight's sleep. Thanks to their laminated glass, impact windows have what it takes to block noise from outside. With the newfound peace, your quality of life is bound to go a notch higher.

3. Reduced Energy Cost

Impact windows installation is a surefire way of reducing energy costs because the laminated glass increases your home's insulation. Consequently, the heat won't exit your house during the cold season. Along the same lines, cool air won't escape when it's hot outside. This means reduced energy consumption since your HVAC unit won't work as hard, helping reduce your utility expenditure.

4. Discounted Home Insurance

Home insurance costs depend on how safe your house is. Since impact windows keep intruders at bay, they can lower your insurance premiums. With time, the money saved will help recoup the amount spent on impact window installation.

Impact windows have many benefits that should make you consider installing them. Apart from keeping your loved ones safe, they also reduce noise levels. Impact windows can reduce energy costs and home insurance as well, helping spare your hard-earned money. 
