installing new doors and hardware

Shower Enclosure Tips For Homeowners

The shower is among the most important fixtures in your home. In addition to being a fixture that you are likely to use every day, it can also directly impact the value of the home. As a result, it can often be worth becoming informed about the types of upgrades that you can make to this part of your home.

Appreciate The Benefits Of An Shower Enclosure

A shower enclosure can be far more effective at stopping water from leaking out when you are showering than a basic shower curtain. Furthermore, this enclosure can also offer a better sense of privacy for those that have a bathroom that must be shared among several family members. Lastly, a shower enclosure may actually be able to improve your home's value by increasing its appeal to potential buyers.

Have The Shower Enclosure Professionally Installed

While a shower enclosure can be far more effective at stopping water from splashing out, this will largely depend on the enclosure being properly installed. If it is installed in a way that leaves small gaps, water will still be able to splash out. Also, failing to ensure the enclosure is properly aligned can increase the risk of it coming loose or otherwise failing. Furthermore, homeowners that are considering installing their own shower enclosure should be aware of the intense amount of physical labor that will be required. For these reasons, a homeowner should hire a professional contractor when it comes time to install a shower enclosure in their bathroom.

Make It A Point To Regularly Clean Your New Shower Enclosure

Shower enclosures can be far easier to clean than traditional shower curtains. In most cases, a homeowner will only need to regularly wipe the enclosure with a sponge that is slightly damp and use a small amount of glass cleaner. Failing to regularly clean the enclosure's glass can allow large amounts of soap scum and other debris to gather. In addition to impacting the appearance of the glass, this can also degrade the seals around the enclosure door that could leak to leaks. When cleaning the enclosure, it can be advisable to check on the exterior of the glass near any seals. If you notice soap stains or other signs of water seeping out, it could indicate that the seals have suffered enough wear to need to be replaced. Luckily, a homeowner will be able to easily replace the seals around their shower door on their own.

To learn more about choosing shower doors for your enclosure, contact a contractor today.
